Energy Exemplar Pty Ltd

所在地 Suite 3, 154-160, Prospect Road, Prospect, Adelaide, SA, 5082, Australia
Tel +61-8-83429616
担当部課名 Milorad Zecevic - Sales & Consulting Department
出展のみどころ Energy Exemplar is the developer of best-in-class Electric and Gas Market Simulation Software with a customer base spanning the globe and a track record of success spanning more than 15 years. We develop, implement and support the PLEXOS® Integrated Energy Model software. Our dedicated team provides the highest standards of technical support, consulting, data and implementation services to our customers. Energy Exemplar continues to push the envelope with extensive investment in research and development. We constantly strive to offer the most comprehensive software solutions to our customer base and ensure that we are first-to-market with the latest advances in optimisation-based electric and gas market simulation technology.
カテゴリー 政策・統合概念/風力/エネルギーグリット・パワエレ/中小水力、未利用エネルギー/環境保全・計測・測定・分析/環境金融関連商品、支援制度